Use one of our Ready-to-use themes

Ready-to-use themes if you’re looking for a quick fix.

This is the one for you if...

... you’re looking for a quick and efficient way to update your Help Center’s look and feel. This zero-code offering is perfect if you don’t have any in-house developers available to customize your theme.



Check out our ready-to-use themes!


A glimpse of the offering

A set of beautiful themes we developed that you can buy and install via the Zendesk marketplace.

You don’t have in-house Zendesk expertise, and you want our experts to guide you through our Zendesk best practices: from setting up the environment to training agents.

  • Quick & easy set-up 
  • Do-it-yourself implementation 
  • Easily customisable
  • Change colours, fonts, images and icons 
  • Free updates on the theme
  • Out-of-the-box options (like articles in this section, related articles,...)

Let's check which ready-to-use theme will meet your requirements.

Interested in a free consulting call?

Reach out to us!


In need of a custom theme?

Looking for a custom solution? We are happy to help you design a theme that meets all your requirements and wishes. More info here

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